International Self-Care Day: What is Self-Care? - DelveIn 2U

International Self-Care Day: What is Self-Care?

January 1st is International Self-Care Day, a day to consider what self-care means and perhaps add it to our New Year’s goal plan. We're delving in to learn more.

What Does Self-Care Really Mean?

In today's fast-paced world, the term 'self-care' often gets tossed around casually, typically conjuring images of spa days, shopping sprees, or indulging in a favorite food. However, true self-care is much deeper and more substantial than these surface-level activities. It's about understanding oneself – knowing your needs, dreams, fears, thoughts, feelings, strengths, and challenges – and nourishing these facets of your being.

Let’s follow the stories of two people utilizing self-care activities to enlighten challenging situations.

Jacob’s Self-Care Journey

Jacob, an established professional accountant, often found himself lost in the hustle of city life. His days were a blur of numbers and spreadsheets, leaving little room for self-reflection. Feeling burnt out, he stumbled upon the concept of self-care and decided to give it a try, not realizing it would lead him on a journey of profound self-discovery. Here is what he tried.

Journaling: Jacob started his self-care trek with journaling. Every evening, he dedicated time to write down his thoughts and feelings. This practice became a window to his hidden inner mind, revealing dreams he had long forgotten and fears he never faced.

Nature Walks: To break the monotony of his urban life, Jacob began taking walks in the nearby park. These walks became a sanctuary for inner peace, where he could connect with nature and find tranquility.

Learning New Skills: On a whim, Jacob enrolled in a pottery class. This new hobby not only became a creative outlet but also a medium through which he discovered his love for art and creation.

Mindfulness Meditation: Incorporating mindfulness meditation into his routine, Jacob found a new sense of calm. It helped him stay present and appreciate the small joys of life.

Professional Therapy: Realizing some issues needed expert guidance, Jacob started seeing a therapist. These sessions helped him address deeper emotional challenges and foster self-compassion.

Through these activities, Jacob rediscovered himself. He found balance and contentment, understanding that self-care was not just a routine but a lifestyle that nurtured his soul.

Emma's Path to Personal Enlightenment

Emma, a school teacher, always put others before herself. Constantly caring for her students and family, she seldom had time to think about her own needs. The concept of self-care was foreign to her until she reached a point of emotional exhaustion. Emma engaged in the following activities to develop a deeper understanding of herself and build skills to reduce burnout. 

Creative Expression: Emma began her self-care journey with painting. What started as a casual hobby soon became a journey into her inner world, allowing her to express her previously unspoken emotions and thoughts.

Physical Activity: She incorporated yoga into her daily routine. The practice not only improved her physical health but also brought mental clarity and peace.

Digital Detox: Emma realized how much time she spent on her phone, often feeling overwhelmed by the barrage of information. She decided to have periodic digital detox days, which included not using technology or looking at screens for the day. This helped her reconnect with herself and her surroundings.

Gratitude Practice: Every night, Emma wrote down three things she was grateful for. This simple act shifted her focus from life's challenges to its gifts, fostering a positive mindset. This helped her lift her spirits enough to engage in the more challenging tasks of self-care.

Setting Boundaries: Learning to say no was a significant step for Emma. It was challenging at first, but through books and a workshop on win-win boundary setting, she learned to build a better understanding of the situations where she struggled. This in turn helped her understand and respect her own limits and needs, and set boundaries with others in mind.  

Through her self-care journey, Emma rediscovered her passions and strengths. She learned the importance of taking care of herself and found a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment. Her journey was a testament to the transformative power of self-nourishment.

Understanding Self-Care: A Journey Within

Self-care is a personal journey that requires introspection. It's about taking the time to understand who you are and what you need to thrive. This journey involves:

- Self-Reflection: Regularly taking stock of your emotions and thoughts.

- Self-Acceptance: Embracing all parts of yourself, including your strengths and challenges.

- Self-Compassion: Being kind, patient and understanding with yourself, especially during difficult times.

Here are 20 self-nourishing activities demonstrating the tip of the iceberg in opportunities for discovery on a self-awareness journey towards mental wellbeing.

  1. Journaling: Start or end your day by writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This practice helps in self-reflection and emotional processing. Check out our collection of journals here.
  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Spend a few minutes each day practicing mindfulness to stay present and reduce stress. Check out our mindfulness products here.
  1. Nature Walks: Connect with nature to ground yourself and find peace.  Studies show that it reduces risk of depression and improves concentration. 
  1. Creative Expression: Engage in activities like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument to express and explore your inner world. Check out our art supplies here and our art supply kits here.
  1. Physical Activity: Get moving with activities that you enjoy, be it yoga, dancing, hiking, or hulahooping to boost your mood and energy levels.
  1. Reading: Immerse yourself in books that inspire you, educate you or provide a comforting escape.
  1. Healthy Eating: Nourish your body with foods that make you feel good physically and mentally. Look into foods that are known to affect your moods and chemistry of your brain.
  1. Quality Sleep: Prioritize getting enough restful sleep to rejuvenate your mind and body. Studies show that lack of sleep can contribute to moodiness and difficulty handling stress.
  1. Digital Detox: Regularly unplug from technology to reduce information overload and stress.
  1. Gratitude Practice: Reflect on and write down things you’re grateful for each day to foster positivity. Check out our journal writing essentials collection here.
  1. Learning New Skills: Challenge yourself by learning something new, which can be both exciting and empowering.
  1. Social Connection: Spend quality time with trusted loved ones or engage in community activities.
  1. Professional Therapy: Sometimes, talking to a therapist can provide the support and clarity you need. Therapists have unique training in being able to uncover and discern the underlying issues of your situation.
  1. Setting Boundaries: Build solid understanding of your situations and learn to say no and set limits to protect your energy and well-being.
  1. Cultivating Hobbies: Dedicate time to hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation. Explore new ones to open your mind and build adaptability.
  1. Mindful Breathing Exercises: Use breathing techniques to calm your mind and reduce anxiety. Our brains need oxygen to reflect and consider solutions. We have several products that support mindful breathing in our store.
  1. Self-Compassion Exercises: Practice being kind, understanding, and patient towards yourself.
  1. Goal Setting: Set realistic and achievable goals to foster a sense of accomplishment and direction.
  1. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to boost your belief in yourself and the energy for a positive outlook.  Repeat them frequently and you will wire your brain to respond to situations with the new affirmation rather than negative thoughts.
  1. Reflecting on Past Achievements: Regularly remind yourself of your achievements and strengths to build self-esteem and encourage you towards your goals.

Self-care is not just about physical well-being; it's about taking care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health too. By engaging in activities that foster self-awareness and nourishment, you create a foundation for a healthier, happier life. Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to listen to yourself and understand what you truly need.

And at DelveIn, we build your retreats and curate the products in our store to incorporate a full diversity of strategies to assist you in developing your self-awareness and nourishment care plans.  We will be scheduling retreats soon, so if you are interested, sign up below to learn more and get first access to updated information on their development.

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